Joseph Griffin
Joseph received his musical education at the Purcell School and at the Royal Academy of Music, where he was awarded numerous prizes: the Worswick Scholarship, the Sidney Griller Memorial Prize, the Amadeus Scholarship and the James Wright Award. He enjoyed playing as principal viola in many of the Academy’s ensembles, and as a member of the Academy’s ‘Soloists Ensemble’, recorded Haydn’s Notturno No. 8 under the baton of Trevor Pinnock for Linn Records. In 2016, Joseph travelled to Sao Paulo to represent the Academy at ‘Campos Do Jordao Festival’, which is the largest classical music festival in South America. As a chamber musician Joseph was appointed ‘Fellow of Chamber Music’ at the Academy in 2016/17, and has appeared alongside the Nash Ensemble at the Wigmore Hall, and the Doric Quartet at the Oxford Lieder Festival.
Joseph now freelances across the U.K and abroad, appearing with ensembles such as Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Sinfonia Cymru, and Manchester Camerata. He also enjoys teaching for London Music Masters.